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Issue #003 January / February 2001

PagesTitleAuthor or OwnerSubjectComments
14-15Naction: Day at Paxton SidingSmith, LowellNactionOn the SP&S' Oregon Trunk
16-23Duluth, North Pass, & PacificSuter, GeneLayoutGreat room size layout
24-25FreelancingFahie, ArtCommentary
26-27Prototype ModelingPearce, BillCommentary
28-29Santa Fe Diesel PowerCox, JoeFleetLocomotives
30-33Great Shots
34-42C&O New River SubdivisionKempinski, BernardLayout, ModulesPrototype and Models
43Build an MP CabooseNewton, SteveHow-ToNon Revenue
44-49Kitbash DPM's Hilltown HotelFahie, ArtHow-ToStructures
50-57Modeling The North Coast LimitedJirosek, MarkHow-ToPassenger
62N Scale: The Runner's ChoiceWolfe, KenCommentary