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Issue #004 March / April 2001

PagesTitleAuthor or OwnerSubjectComments
16-17Visit to Barrow, BCWatson, RussNaction
18-25Scratchbuild a RailroadReddie, KirkBasics
26-29GE U33C/U36CBearden, RonHow-ToLocomotives
30-31Detailing Your RoundhouseMorgan, BrianHow-ToStructures
32-33Great ShotsStraw, RussellSam Houston Zephyr
34-41Action on the Arlee ValleyPniak, BillLayout
42-43Intermountain Boxcar VariationsNotes, Clifford S.How-ToFreight
44-45Customized TrucksTyhurst, DallasHow-To Highway Vehicles
46-49Making the SceneFahie, ArtHow-To
50-54Intermodal, Fifties StyleShort, ChuckFleetFreight
55-Add Dazzle to Your Dash-9sEdgar, BillHow-ToBNSF Dash 9s
56-57UP: Road of the StreamlinersWright, NormFleetNorm's City of San Francisco
62Nn3: The Narrow Gauge ChoiceBrandon, TedCommentary